"A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people"
-Mahatma Ghandi
The Hubei Archaeological Cultural Exchange Trip for University Students from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan
4-12 August 2017

Written by Dr. Yu Xiyun (School of History, Wuhan University), translated into English by CCSC.

Putting into practice what the learned. The group included PhD students, Master’s students, and undergraduate students. Everyone braced the scorching sun and high temperatures of a Hubei summer, and participated in the fieldwork without complaint!

Focused on scraping the surface, and cautiously delineating the relevant parts.

Learning from one another.

An on-site lesson.

In-class lesson.

Dr. Liu Ching-Min from the National Taiwan University
of Arts giving a lesson.

Visiting the artifact storage room at Zoumaling, led by Mr. Shan Siwei.

Concentrating at drafting archaeological drawings.
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